Tuesday, June 18, 2013

34 Days Remain

Approaching the end of my time in Peru is the most bittersweet experience of my life. Yes, 34 days still stand between me and a return flight to America; but, planning my final few weeks in Peru (which include finals, traveling, and showing my family the sites of Lima) has made me nostalgic of the experiences that have made my time in Peru so wonderful.

Occasionally throughout the last few months, I could get distracted from the sheer excitement of living in another country as I balanced school obligations and staying healthy with my daily routine.

Now, knowing just what little time I have remaining in Peru has opened again my eyes to the beauty of a culture that has captivated my heart. I notice the sunlight beaming onto the foggy mountains, the abundant piles of fresh fruit at countless "tiendas," and the innocent child sleeping on his mother's lap during a bumpy bus ride. I smile at the security guards at the front of every store and embrace the opportunity to practice Spanish as I order tequenos at my favorite tiny restaurant.

I am more appreciative of these unique cultural details now more than ever. An experience like this is only more precious because of its temporary nature (though its impact is everlasting).  I know that when it is 12:15 a.m. on July 21, I will leave Peru with no regrets, treasured memories, and an eternal gratefulness for this opportunity.

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